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Cancellation and Reschedule Policy

If you arrive after your scheduled ride time, you will miss your ride. We do not offer to refund or reschedule a missed ride

All sales are final and specific to the day and time you choose when you pay. 

You must arrive on time to avoid missing your ride.

We will offer to refund your ride only if you are able to make the request a minimum of 48 hours prior to your scheduled ride time, giving us time to sell that spot to another party or for us to not be obligated to the staff required to put your ride together.  We will allow you to reschedule your ride if you are able to make the request a minimum of 24 hours before your ride.

We will NOT offer to refund or reschedule any rides canceled for any reason with in 24 hours of your scheduled ride time.  This includes rides reserved by you the same day.  When you pay for a spot we guarantee we will not give it to someone else so that when you arrive you can ride as planned.  Because of this when you make the payment you are guaranteeing to pay for the ride time whether or not you use it.

Cancellation Policy
Policies and Procedures

Policies and Procedures

Sunshine and Daydreams has a very conservative riding policy. This ensures the safety of our riders and the well-being of our horses. We respect the skills of all experienced riders but ask that everyone follow the instruction from our guides as our horses have been trained in a specific manner and deviation from our policy can confuse and stress the horses.

Riding Instruction

Instruction begins as soon as you arrive at the stable. All riders will mount their horses using a mounting block, and are asked to hold the reins in one hand, in front of and below the horn without resting their hand on the saddle or the horse’s neck. The other hand is to be kept on the horn at all times. Riders must sit up tall with their heels down and toes up towards their horse's ears, and their shoulders over the top of their hips. When each rider is in the correct riding position, the guide will instruct the group on asking their horses to move, and lead the group out of the stable. During the ride, your guide will coach each of the riders on maintaining correct equitation to help the riders relax into a comfortable riding position.

Kids Horseback Riding
Bugsy Horseback Riding

What to wear and bring

Horseback riding is a great outdoors experience, and it's important to us that you are dressed comfortably for a safe and relaxing ride. All riders must wear tennis shoes and jeans, no shorts or open-toed shoes. Riding boots are fine, but please do not wear dress boots that have a high heel or restrict the calf muscle. Your ride will be focused on safety, so please leave all belongings (cameras, cell phones, purses, water bottles) in your car as these can be a distraction or liability when riding. During the ride, your trail guide will take photos of your group and text them to you before the end of your ride.

Weather policy

For health and safety reasons, S&D Horseback Riding will not conduct rides in excessive heat, during rain, or in heavy winds. Rides with all adults will be withheld if the temperature is above 95 and rising, and will resume when the temperature is 101 degrees and dropping. Rides with children under 13 years old will not be held if the temperature is 90 degrees and rising, and they will resume when the temperature is 95 degrees and dropping. Any kind of rainfall is damaging to the equipment and uncomfortable to the horses wearing it. Heavy winds can blow debris and spook the horses as well as make it difficult to balance on the horse and hear the guides’ instructions. If the weather seems hazardous, scheduled groups will be notified. If the reservation is within 24 hours, S&D Horseback Riding will call to offer a reschedule or cancel and refund for the ride in the event of bad weather. Groups opting to reschedule or cancel their ride manually are still subject to S&D Horseback Riding's cancellation and reschedule policy.

Horseback Trail Riding
Weather Policy
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